Name of Club | Meeting Venue | Meeting Day | Meeting Time | Contact |
Auckland Central Cake Decorating Club | Orakei Community Centre 156 Kepa Rd Orakei Auckland | 3rd Wednesday of the month | 10.30 am - 2.30 pm | Shannon McClintock |
Cake & Sugar Art Gisborne | 235A Valley Road Gisborne | 2nd Saturday of the month | 12.45pm | Sarah Moore |
Canterbury Cake Decorators Guild Inc | 7 Mahars Road Mairehau Christchurch | 2nd Saturday of the month February to November | 1.45 pm | Diana Clark |
Central Otago Cake Decorating Club | Alexandra Bridge Club 50 Boundary Road Alexandra | 3rd Tuesday of the month | 7.30 pm | Bronwyn Bone |
Dunedin Cake Decorating Club | St Margaret's Green Island Dunedin | 4th Saturday of the month | 1.30 pm | Nicole Mosen |
Eastern Southland Cake Decorators Guild | Gore Bridge Club 18 Traford St Gore | 2nd Saturday of the month | 1.30 pm | Jill Youngson |
Franklin Cake Decorating Club | St Andrews Anglican Church 43 Queen Street Pukekohe | 3rd Thursday of the month | 7.30 pm | Franklin Cake Club |
Highland Sugar Art Club | NZART Rooms, 109 Macandrew Rd South Dunedin | 3rd Saturday of the month | 1.30 pm | Kay Raw |
Hillmorton Cake Decorators Guild | St.Martins Anglican Church Neave Room 50 Lincoln Rd Christchurch | 1st Saturday of the month | 1.30 pm - 5 pm | Coreen Wallis |
Horowhenua Sugarcraft | Thompson House 4 Kent St Levin | 3rd Wednesday of the month | 6:00 pm | Judy Brunning |
Marlborough Cake Decorators Guild | St Christophers Church Hall 92 Weld Street Redwoodtown Blenheim | 1st Sunday of the month April to August 1st Tuesday of the month March, Sept to Dec | 1.30 pm - Sunday 6.30 pm - Tuesday | Donelle Thomas |
Napier Cake Decorators Guild | Tamatea Community Church Hall 1 York Ave Tamatea Napier | 3rd Saturday of the month January to November | 1.30 pm | Napier Secretary |
Nelson Cake Decorators & Sugar Artists | Stoke Indoor Bowling Club 206 Song Street Stoke Nelson | 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm. 3rd Saturday of June, July, August at 1.30pm | 6.30 pm | DĂ©siree Thiart |
New Plymouth Cake Decorators Guild | Disabled Citizens Rooms 83 Hine St New Plymouth | Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month | 7.00 pm | New Plymouth Secretary |
North Canterbury Cake Decorators Guild | Members Homes | 3rd Saturday of the month | 1.30 pm | Sheryl Cridge |
North Shore Cake Decorating Club | Kennedy Park, Beach Rd Castor Bay Auckland | 1st Wednesday of the month (except January) | 12.30 pm - 3.30 pm | Gail Guyatt |
Petone Cake Decorators Guild | Resource Room Petone Library 7 Britannia Street Petone | 1st Wednesday of the month | 7.00 pm | Petone Secretary |
Redwood Sugarcraft Group | Members Homes Christchurch | 4th Saturday of the month March to December. | 1.30 pm | Julie Ede |
South Canterbury Cake Decorators Guild | Members Homes (shared) Timaru | 1st Thursday of the month | 7.00 pm | Faye King |
South Otago Cake Decorators Guild | Balclutha Fire Station | 2nd Wednesday of the month | 7.30pm | Delwyn Burrow |
Southland Cake Decorating & Sugar Art Club | South City Party Nibbles 146 Clyde Street West Invercargill | 1st Monday of the month February - October, 2nd Monday of November | 7.30 pm | Karen Gargiulo |
Taieri Plains Cake Decorating Guild | Mosgiel Presbyterian Church Church Street Mosgiel | 1st Monday of the month | 7.30 pm | Mieka Conner |
Taupo Cake Decorating & Sugar Art Club | Liston Heights Village hall (Retirement Village) Liston Avenue Taupo | 2nd Monday of the month (except Dec & Jan) | 7:00 pm | Julie Jackson |
Tauranga Cake Decorators Guild | Wesley Methodist Church 100 13th Avenue Tauranga | 4th Thursday Jan, 3rd Thursday Feb - Nov | 7:30 pm | Christine Cecil |
Wairarapa Cake Decorators Guild | 359 Phillips Line, RD 1 Featherston | 2nd Sunday of the month | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm | Beth Fuge |
Waitakere Cake Decorators Club | Massey Hall Cnr. Redhills Road & Don Buck Road Massey Waitakere | 2nd Saturday of the month | 9.30 am - 12:30 pm | Waitakere Secretary |
Wanganui Sugarcraft Guild | Members Homes | Last Sunday of the month | 2.00 pm | Christine Budge |
Wellington Cake Decorators Guild | The Collective Community Hub Johnsonville Wellington | 2nd Wednesday of the month | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Secretary |
Westland Cake Decorators Guild | St Patricks Church, 40 High Street, Greymouth (occasionally in Members homes) | Last Monday of month | 7.30 pm | Pam Stentiford |
Whangarei Cake Decorators Guild | YWCA 21 Rust Avenue Whangarei | 1st Tuesday of the month | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Dorothy White |